Conversations Logo

ARTNETonSTI Conversations on Innovation Policy - under the Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on STI Policy (ARTNETonSTI Policy) platform - are a new outlet to share critical insights and practical means to design and implement science, technology and innovation policies for inclusive and sustainable development.

These open monthly webinars are designed for government officials and researchers eager to stay informed about emerging ideas, effective practices, useful tools and key research findings to promoting science, technology and innovation to build back better.


Third Conversation : The Future of Innovation Hubs – 27 July 2021

Third InnovaTea

This session shared the experience of different innovation hubs, how they have been promoted and their achievements and limitations in terms of promoting inclusive economic growth.


Second Conversation: Why Social Media Based Businesses Fail to Scale? Opportunities to support the Growth of Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh - 29 June 2021

Second InnovaTea

While launching the preliminary findings of the ESCAP-Dnet joint report, this session engaged industry leaders and Bagladesh innovators to discuss the findings of those findings and what solutions are needed to support entrepreneurs scale in Bangladesh's online marketplace.

          Event video

          Event report

          Dnet presentation on social media women entrepreneurs


Inaugural Conversation: How can we harness Science, Technology and Innovation to Build Back Better? - 25 May 2021

Inaugural InnovaTea

This inaugural session invited government officials, academics and experts to discuss how we can - together - we can develop a new vision for Asia and the Pacific to harness STI to build back better.

          Event video

          Event report